Training the thoracic spine for strength and mobility. Talking about how we can build our postural back muscles and prevent back pain…
By Logan Kelly, July 8, 2023
Hello All,
This week we will discuss the importance of training the thoracic spine. Something close to my heart as I had terrible mobility and posture for a majority of my life (see pictures below*) Starting off, this is where a majority of our postural muscles are. This includes the: Lats, Traps, Rhomboids Serratus Posterior, Thoracic Erector Spinae, and Transversospinalis muscles. Unfortunately, most jobs are stationary, leading to a decrease in muscle strength and mobility, and this causes a plethora of problems.
Prolonged Sitting = reduced thoracic/cervical spine mobility = increased neck/back pain = increased chances of shoulder injuries.
As you can see from the chain above, and as you’ve probably noticed. One problem in our musculoskeletal system/chain causes even more issues, making it much more difficult to reach our fitness goals and enjoy our lives. The best part is that this can be reversed, and you can easily fix your posture. The 2 best exercises for this are:
- Cross Bench Pullover
- The standard: 75% of the DB load you use per hand for shoulder press. For example, if you shoulder press with 40# DBs (80# total), you should work up to a 60# DB.
- Trap-3 Raise w/ 3-5 sec Lowering
- The standard: 8% of body weight per hand
Complete 2-4 sets of 5 reps per week of each exercise, and you will start seeing results. Another note is that most people will not meet the standard without training in these specific exercises, so start light and gradually build to the standard!
If you have any questions, comment below or talk to me in class!
– Coach Logan
*Below are 2 pictures of me on the left is 1 year ago with my poor posture and slouching and on the right is a very recent picture with my improved ability. While these pictures aren’t quite a side by side comparison, I believe they still do a good job illustrating the importance of thoracic spine training.

Coach “glassback” Logan (2022)

Coach “bulletproof back” Logan (2023)